Himachal Pradesh Technical University
(Established by State Lagislative Act-16 of 2010)

    General Instructions:

  • 1. Read the instructions and the eligibility criteria carefully before filling up the online Counselling-cum-Admission Form.
  • 2. All the candidates have to register for filling up the online Counselling-cum-Admission form for various UG and PG programs (as mentioned in the Prospectus Part-II {Admission Brochure}) under Direct and Lateral Entry Schemes for the Session 2023-24.
  • 3. The candidates who are interested to appear in Counselling on the basis of National Level Test, on the basis of HPCET-2023 and On the Basis of Qualifying Examination must tick the relevant (one, two or all) options available in the Counselling-cum-Admission form in the field “Select the Admission Criteria”. Counselling-cum-Admission form processing fee will be applicable as per the selection(s) opted by the candidate.
  • 4. The candidates who fulfilthe eligibility and admission criteriafor UG and PG courses, may apply online on the basis of National Level Tests (JEE, NATA, CAT, MAT, CMAT, GATE, GPAT, CUET-UG & CUET-PG), on the basis of HPCET-2023 and on the basis of Qualifying Examination (10+2 or Graduation) basis whichever is applicable.
  • 5. No fee is chargeable from the candidates who are applying on the basis of HPCET-2023.
  • 6. Counselling-cum-Admission form processing fee (Non-refundable) of Rs.1600/- is payable by the candidates belonging to General/Economically Weaker Section/OBC category and Rs. 800/- from the candidates of reserved category i.e., SC/ST and BPL/IRDP.
  • 7. The seats in Under Graduate/Post Graduate courses with branch (if applicable) in Affiliated Colleges/Off-Campuses/University Schools of Studies will be allocated through centralized counselling conducted by the H.P. Technical University. The venue and schedule for centralized counselling will be notified soon. Kindly visit the H.P. Technical University website regularly for the latest updates.
  • Steps to fill the Counselling-cum-Admission Application Form:

  • 1. Create your account by clicking on the Registration tab available on the Login Detail Page.An Account Registration form will appear.
    i. Fill in all the required fieldsi.e.Name, Username, Password, Confirm Password, Date of Birth, email-id, Mobile No. etc.
    ii. Check the box “I Have read the instructions and the eligibility criteria”. The candidates are advised to note down the Username, Form Numberand Password for future reference. The candidate(s) will get his/her login details on the registered e-mail id(s).
  • 2. The candidate must fill in the required information in the login detail page i.e.,Username, Passwordand Form-No. As the candidate clicks on the login button, an email verification page will display.
    i. The candidate must have to click onSend OTP to emailbutton. An OTP will be sent to the registered email-id.
    ii. The candidate have to fill that OTP in the enter OTP text box and click onverify email button. A message of email verification will appear on the screen and Basic detailspage will open.
  • 3. In the Basic Detail Page fill all the authenticated entries. In case the applicant selects CUET-UG option in National Level Test (under the Admission Criteria from the dropdown list) then the applicant must fill score for all the three subjects listed i.e.,Subject-I (Mathematics), Subject-II (Physics) and Subject-III (Choose any of the options given/applicable).

    Note : Candidate who has given both National level tests, then the candidate must fill the Counselling-cum-Admission form on the basis of the one with a higher score/percentile
  • 4. After uploading Photograph and Signature, click on the upload button and the candidate will be redirected to the Confirmation Page.The scanned images of photograph and Signature should be in *.jpg/*.jpeg format only and their sizes must be less than 50 kb & 30 kb, respectively.
  • 5. Ensure all the entries displayed in the Confirmation Page are correct, if any error(s) is/are noticed, the same can be rectified by clicking on Edit Form button.
    i. If all the information is correct, then the candidate can click on Final Submit button.
    ii. After the final submission, all the entries made in the Counselling-cum-Admission form will be locked permanently and cannot be changed.
  • After this the candidate will be redirected to the Payment Page i.e., Make fee payment.
  • 6. Candidate(s) can make fee payment through online mode only by using Internet Banking, Credit/Debit Cards, UPI etc. After successful payment, candidate will be able to print the Counselling-cum-Admission formin .PDF format.
    i. If the PDF file of the Counselling-cum-Admission form is not generated by the system after making the successful payment, the candidate has to wait for atleast 24 hours.
    ii. After that if PDf is still not generated, the candidate may contact at technical helpline number: 01972-226914 or email at id: queryadmission2023@himtu.ac.in along with the details mentioning Form No, Transaction number and Payment proof.
    iii. The multiple payments (if any) received by the University on the same Counselling-cum-Admission form number will be refunded at the end of the online forms process.
    iv. The candidate can download the refund form from the official website of H.P. Technical Universityand may send the filled refund form at email-id: finofficerhimtu@gmail.comCandidate(s) can contact at 01972-226907 of HPTU finance branch for refund-related queries.
  • 7. The correspondences should be addressed to the Dean Academic, Himachal Pradesh Technical University, VPO Daruhi, District- Hamirpur (H.P.) –177001. TheCounselling-cum-Admission form number is mandatory to be mentioned in admission-related correspondences.

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